Today... long, cold (morning), hot (midday), challenging, fun. We laughed a lot. We perspired. We were filled with wonder and awe once again at the majesty of our God reflected in all He has created.
That's all I've got for now. Because it's late, I'm tired, tomorrow is another long day, and I must sleep.
My family continues to improve. This is the work of God in response to your prayers. Soli Deo gloria.
** A little something more now that I've rested: The day started exactly at 7 AM as planned. Leaving on time was critical this day, as we had so many overlooks and scenic stops in the ride plan. We rolled out of Cumming to surprisingly cool weather. I wear a mess jacket with armor for protection and for easy access to things in my pocket on these long protection. This type of jacket is intended to protect without being hot in the summer. I was actually cold as we started riding.
After a quick run north on Georgia 400, we rode a very nice part of the Suches Loop on GA60. This was the first challenging road I had been on since last year's sometimes-daunting adventure, so I was a little apprehensive. I hit it hard and had a GREAT time in the curves and elevation changes!
From there, we rode the scenic Cherohala Skyway, the top of Moonshiner 28, the Tail of the Dragon, the Foothills Parkway, and the bottom of Moonshiner 28. All in all, Saturday proved to be a great day of twisties. The Tail of the Dragon proved to be a fail. We found ourselves behind a bad driver in a Toyota Corolla the ENTIRE 11 miles. (Most of us, anyway.) With 318 curves in 11 miles, there's really not a good, safe place to pass. (For most of us, anyway.) Nothing we could do would encourage this inconsiderate-of-riders person to use a pullout - so we just endured it. In contrast to that, we ended the day with a run on the bottom of Moonshiner 28 where we were free to run with hardly a car in sight - and this stretch of road was more fun that The Dragon - so all was well in the big picture.
The temperature did become almost unbearable for a few hours at midday, but the temps cooled down considerably as the hour grew late. Originally scheduled to be in to the hotel about 7:40 PM, we actually arrived early to enjoy dinner and a night of rest.
Here are some pics. These are Tami's because I'm not going to touch my camera tonight. Nope. Must sleep. I'll add more later. For now... here ya go:
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