Saturday, May 10, 2014

This Blogging Thing

I've never been a blogger. Neither has Annette. We're Facebookers. I tweet occasionally. But I've never attempted to create a web log… a blog.

One of the reasons I've never ventured down this particular road is I get a bit irritated with people who blog - but don't.  With good intention, I'm sure, they create their own little corner of the internet, and then never post anything new.  I've bookmarked some of those pages, checked for updates, and get… nothing.  I've never wanted to take up perfectly good space on the internet, and then fail to contribute anything of substance.  The likelihood of that happening:  HIGH.  But I thought this might be the time to try my hand at being a blogger.

If now is indeed the time, it's really not about now. It's about an exciting summer to come. We are planning an adventure-packed 2014. The experiences we anticipate should be chronicled in order to allow us to record and savor every experience… to not just record, but to reflect on those very experiences… and to share those experiences with those we are blessed to call family and friends.

So here we go. is up and running!


  1. Nice start Jon. Now lets see how creative you can be on you road less traveled. :-) Phil L.

  2. Not bad. I agree with what you stated. I've joined many blogs, only to find that they don't follow through. Somehow, I don't think you will be that way. I just hope you don't ask us to stand up while reading it.
